Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Healing Hands

Our hands can be used as beautiful instruments of healing and we do not necessarily need to be specially trained. All we need is love in our hearts and a belief that healing is possible.

When our daughter Rami was five years old I was teaching her about the healing energy that can come through our hands. We practiced on teddy bears and dolls. When she was five and a half years old her sister was born and my mother came to help me. Grandma got sick with bronchitis and fever. This went on for over a week, and antibiotics did not seem to be helping. One day, while she was sleeping, Rami slipped quietly into her room. She placed her small hands on Grandma’s chest and concentrated on sending healing energy to her. My mother woke up and said it felt as if an angel were touching and healing her. Several hours later her fever broke for the first time, and by the next day she was beginning to feel better. Was it a coincidence that she started to get better right away after Rami’s “healing session?” Perhaps it was, but we like to feel that Rami’s innocent gesture of pouring her love and energy through her hands to Grandma opened a door of healing.

Recently in a counseling session a woman was telling me about her husband. He had been having knee pain for over a year. They had consulted five different surgeons and each had a different opinion. They were trying to decide on which option to take. The man also had a personal trainer who was working with him on different exercises to help his knee. The exercises were helping somewhat, but the pain remained, especially after walking.

I told this woman the story of Rami and suggested that she place her hands on her husband’s knee and feel her love for her husband and allow energy to flow through her hands. The next day she reported to me that she and her husband sat together and she placed her hands on his knee. They prayed for healing and sat together quietly for fifteen minutes. She felt a lot of energy flowing through her hands, and he felt heat on his knee. When they were finished both felt very close to one another. Her husband is a tech genius and spends a lot of time on his computer. Rather than going right back to work he decided to go outside and be in the garden. Fifteen minutes after the healing time with his wife he was outside cutting roses when he had a strong inner prompting to take the inserts out of his shoes. He had worn these inserts for a year and a half. They had been recommended for his feet. They made his heel higher than the ball of his foot. He didn’t know why but he took them out and went for a walk….no knee pain. A month has gone by and the knee pain has subsided so much that he has let go of the thought of needing surgery. He continues with the exercises and walking without the inserts. Now is this just a coincidence that he received that prompting to take out the inserts right after sitting with his wife in a healing space? I like to think that the healing space with his wife opened a higher wisdom within his heart allowing him to understand what needed to be done.

Many women as well as men do not experience much touching unless it is sexual. Sexual touch can be wonderful and healing, but it is not enough. Touching one another in a non-sexual, loving and healing way brings closeness into the relationship that balances the sexual touch. I love when Barry puts his hands on me when I am not feeling well or have pain in my body. It is a very comforting feeling and makes me feel very safe and protected. I have always tried to do this for him and also for our children. I remember once when I first broke my elbow and was in a lot of pain. Because it was an elbow the doctor did not cast it. Rami was eight years old at the time and she came to me and placed her hands very gently on my broken elbow. I had been so distressed at breaking my bone that Rami’s gentle and loving energy brought so much comfort and peace back into my body. Touching one another in healing energy is very powerful.

Barry and I both strained our lower backs at the same time. At night we lay in bed together and found ourselves complaining about our pain. We decided to lay close together and each of us place our hands on the area of our back that hurt. It was very comforting for both of us and we soon fell asleep. We felt markedly better in the morning.

Use your hands in a healing way and ask others to touch you as well. It is a good thing to go to a professional person, but it is also good to touch one another and give and receive the healing warmth of touch. This touch will enhance your relationships, bringing you into a deeper alignment with one another.

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